Noam Aigerman
(pronounced "Noh-uhm", like Noah with an M at the end.)
Room 3359,
André-Aisenstadt building,
C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-Ville,
Montréal, Québec, Canada H3C 3J7
C.P. 6128, succ. Centre-Ville,
Montréal, Québec, Canada H3C 3J7
I am a computer scientist working on problems related to machine learning and 3D geometry. My research lies at the intersection of geometry processing, deep learning, and optimization, with applications in 3D vision and computer graphics. Currently, I mostly focus on using geometry processing to devise thoeretically-grounded machine learning approaches for 3D problems; and, vice-versa, approaching geometry processing tasks from a machine learning perspective.
![Yes, this is I!](pics/me.jpg)
IFT6095 - Neural Geometry Processing (winter 2025)
IFT6759 - Advanced Machine Learning Projects (winter 2025)
IFT6095 - Neural Geometry Processing (winter 2024)
IFT6759 - Advanced Machine Learning Projects (winter 2025)
IFT6095 - Neural Geometry Processing (winter 2024)
(hover over a project's image for a one-sentence summary)
![Text-guided deformation, with ability to blend between few different targets. A wolf automatically deformed to a hipo via text-guided deformation.](html/meshup.jpg)
MeshUp: Multi-Target Mesh Deformation via Blended Score Distillation
3DV 2025
![Enabling local text-guided edits of meshes via a hybrid mesh/SDF representation. A chosen region on the back of the armadillo is deformed to different types of wings, based on different input text prompts.](html/magicclay.jpg)
MagicClay: Sculpting Meshes With Generative Neural Fields
![Adding local details to coarse shapes, based on selected styles. A coarse shape is added local details based on the details of five chosen fine shapes.](html/decollage.jpg)
DECOLLAGE: 3D Detailization by Controllable, Localized, and Learned Geometry Enhancement
ECCV 2024
![A method for predicting temporal deformation sequences using a neural network. Two different models, animated by our method](html/temporal_NJF.jpg)
Temporal Residual Jacobians for Rig-free Motion Transfer
ECCV 2024
![A generative method to generate tiles that can be copied to tile the plane. The core technical contribution is a differentiable representation of the space of valid tiles. Four tilings of the plane automatically generated by our method, for four different symmetry patterns containing rotations and reflections, and four different prompts ('Flamenco dancer', 'Ballet dancer', 'Alligator', 'Unicorn').](html/escher.jpg)
![A representation of 3D 1-to-1 deformations by composing 2D 1-to-1 deformations over different planes. The 2D 1-to-1 maps are in turn guaranteed by defining an differentiable representation of Tutte's embedding. An extreme elastic deformation of a NeRF, without any visual artifacts as the deformation is guaranteed to be 1-to-1.](html/tuttenet.jpg)
![Modifying Neural Surface Maps to operate semantically, by rendering the models from different view points and using 2D matchings from a pretrained vision transformer. A 1-to-1 map between two 3D models which respects semantic correspondence, computed automatically using our method. Map is visualized by placing a checker texture on the left mesh and using the map to transfer the texture to the right mesh.](html/snsm.jpg)
Neural Semantic Surface Maps
Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2024)
Explorable Mesh Deformation Subspaces from Unstructured 3D Generative Models
![Deforming 3D meshes based on text prompts, by rendering the mesh from various view angles and using a trained visual encoder (CLIP), with a tailor-made deformation module which can consolidate the different viewpoints in a meaningful way. The cow is deformed into two desired shapes described by a text prompt, in this case a turtle and a stag.](html/textdeformer.jpg)
TextDeformer: Geometry Manipulation using Text Guidance
![Using a neural network to deform arbitrary facial meshes, w.r.t. human-interpretable parameters which can enable artists to directly control and manipulate the expression in a plausible manner. Face meshes from various datasets, with different triangulations, can be automatically deformed by our network into two facial expressions.](html/NFR.jpg)
Neural Face Rigging for Animating and Retargeting Facial Meshes in the Wild
![Compressing a mesh, by encoding it as coarse mesh and neural features, enabling to progressively refine the coarse mesh as additional features are transmitted. A coarse mesh is progressively refined using a neural network, given additional details transmitted.](html/neural_progressive.jpg)
Neural Progressive Meshes
![Using a neural network to segment a region on a mesh containing a given selected point in a manner that is aware of the distortion generated by a UV-mapping algorithm w.r.t. the selected region. A point is selected on the mesh by a user, and a region containing this point is selected by our network, such that the region can UV-mapped with low-distortion (UV map visualized with a square texture on the selected region).](html/DAWand.jpg)
DA Wand: Distortion-Aware Selection using Neural Mesh Parameterization
CVPR 2023
![An energy that penalizes both lack of injectivity and high isometric distortion at the same time, enabling computation of 1-to-1 and low-distortion maps with arbitrary positional constraints. Top: our previous method can produce a 1-to-1 UV map of the bunny into the cross, but has distortion and scales some parts of mesh (in red). Bottom: this paper can also compute a 1-to-1 UV map, but also ensure it has low distortion and less scaling.](html/projects/isoinj/isoinj.jpg)
Isometric Energies for Recovering Injectivity in Constrained Mapping
![Training a network to complete missing parts of a shape by copying and transforming existing parts of the input. A chair with parts of it missing (left) is completed by our method to a full chair (middle) by copying and transforming existing parts to missing areas, while competing generative approaches produce fuzzy approximiations (right).](html/projects/patch-rd/patch-rd.jpg)
PatchRD: Detail-Preserving Shape Completion by Learning Patch Retrieval and Deformation
![Computing a UV layout for given shapes by representing the map as a mixture of gaussians, enabling defining arbitrary topologies. Our method produces an atlas with a complex topology for a set of shapes.](html/projects/joint_atlases/joint_atlases.jpg)
Learning Joint Surface Atlases
![A framework for learning to deform meshes in a highly detail-preserving manner, without being tied to a specific mesh. left: a UV map predicted by the network, almost identical to the ground-truth. Right: the network correctly reposes the bunny to the poses demonstrated by the human.](html/projects/NJF/NJF.jpg)
Neural Jacobian Fields: Learning Intrinsic Mappings of Arbitrary Meshes
![Defining mobius-equivariant convolutions on the sphere. A diagram of our spherical convolution operator.](html/mobius.jpg)
![Extension of Neural Surface Maps, which decomposes coarse/fine features to an AtlasNet-like representation along with a CNN which adds details. The framework learns to represent a surface map from a coarse atlasnet-like MLP composed with a CNN that adds details](html/projects/cnnmaps/cnnmaps.jpg)
Neural Convolutional Surfaces
CVPR 2022
![Learning to generate meaningful shape deformations from a (very) sparse set of example deformations. Various poses (orange) generated by our method from a few landmark poses (gray).](html/projects/glass/glass.jpg)
GLASS: Geometric Latent Augmentation for Shape Spaces
CVPR 2022
![A continuous representation of the space of triangulations using 2D power diagrams, enabling using gradient-descent methods (namely within the context of deep learning) to optimize and learn triangulations. A mesh (right) generated by optimizing the alignment of its edges to the input vector field (left).](html/diff_tri.jpg)
![A smooth energy that when optimized yields globally-injective parameterizations (without triangles folding over and without parts of the boundaries overlapping one another). A mesh (left) is paramterized to an initial parameterization (middle) with local inversions of triangles and global overlaps of the boundary, which are then alleviated through our optimization (right).](html/opt_global_inj.jpg)
Optimizing Global Injectivity for Constrained Parameterization
![Given a sequence of points clouds representing a motion of a shape, this algorithm reconstructs a sequence of surfaces that lie in good correspondence with one another (e.g., head in frame 1 corresponds to head in frame 2). A sequence of reconstructed surfaces using our algorithm, exhibiting good consistent correspondences between each frame in the sequence them (visualized via texture that exhibits the correspondence).](html/temporal.jpg)
![An algorithm for robustly computing the total volume occupied by a shape as it's moving along a trajectory. A 2D brush is swept along a spiraling trajectory (left), tracing the golden horn (right).](html/sweep.jpg)
Swept Volumes via Spacetime Numerical Continuation
![Training a GAN to upsample coarse voxel grids, conditioned on a desired style, to create realistic high-resolution models. Coarse voxel grids (red) are refined into different types of plants (yellow), based on the input desired style (green).](html/decorgan2.jpg)
![Representing surface maps as neural networks, and optimizing differentiable composition of such maps to compute mappings between surfaces which minimize distortion. Two surfaces are repsented as 2D-to-3D maps via two overfitted neural networks. Since they are both differentiable,this in turn enables optimizing a surface-to-surface map (via h) in a completely differentiable manner.](html/neural_surface_maps.jpg)
Neural Surface Maps
CVPR 2021
![Using a network to drive local delaunay triangulations of point clouds, which generate a manifold triangulation of the point cloud in a data-driven manner. A point cloud is meshed using our neural network.](html/DSE.jpg)
Learning Delaunay Surface Elements for Mesh Reconstruction
CVPR 2021 (oral)
![A neural network is trained to retrieve and deform appropriate models from a database, based on its knowledge of their deformation space and how well can they fit to the target. The framework of our method.](html/retrieve_and_deform.jpg)
Joint Learning of 3D Shape Retrieval and Deformation
CVPR 2021
![An algorithm that computes heightfields that are piecewise-developalbe (can be created by bending sheets of paper) from input heightfields. The core theoretical idea uses intuition from compressed sensing, and an observation regarding the low rank of the hessian of developable heightfields. Our method approximates the input heightfield surface (left) by a piecewise-developable heightfield surface (right).](html/projects/developability/developability-thumb.jpg)
Developability of Heightfields via Rank Minimization
![Training a neural network to apply data-driven recursive subdivision operations. A coarse mesh is subidivided via a neural network, which restores natural geometric features without over-smoothing.](html/projects/subdiv/neuralSubdiv.jpg)
![An algorithm minimizing an energy designed specifically to recover injectivity of a map. Mapping a mesh into a non-convex domain without any inversions, yielding a globally injective map](html/projects/TLC/TLC.jpg)
Lifting Simplices to Find Injectivity
![Using cage deformations to enable networks to deform shapes without ruining/smoothing out details. Deforming humanoids to match example poses via a neural network, while preserving details.](html/projects/ncages/deformation_transfer.jpg)
Neural Cages for Detail-Preserving 3D Deformations
CVPR 2020 (oral)
![Training a network to jointly reconstruct implicit and explicit surface representations that agree with one another yields superior results. Comparison of reconstruction quality of the hybrid reconstruction versus the two components of the hybrid.](html/hybrid.jpg)
Coupling Explicit and Implicit Surface Representations for Generative 3D Modeling
ECCV 2020
![An extension of the orbifold Tutte embeddings to spherical domains. An embedding of a mesh into a spherical orbifold, which can tile the sphere.](html/projects/spherical/spherical.jpg)
![Applyig CNN's to spherical surfaces, by using the orbifold Tutte embeddings to bijectively and seamlessly embed 4 copies of the surface into a square image with cyclic boundary conditions, which enables regular 2D convolution. A convolution of a filter on a spherical surface is well-defined on the surface's toric 4-cover.](html/projects/orbifold_learning/lern2.jpg)
Convolutional Neural Networks on Surfaces via Seamless Toric Covers
![An extension of Tutte's embedding to hyperbolic domains. An embedding of a mesh into a hyperbolic orbifold, which can tile the Poincare-disk model of the hyperbolic plane.](html/projects/hyperbolic/hyperbolic.jpg)
![An extension of Tutte's embedding for boundaryless parameterizations of spheres. An embedding of a mesh into a planar orbifold, which can also be used to generate seamless quads on the mesh.](html/projects/orbifold/orbifold2.png)
![An efficient algorithm for computing large-scale bounded distortion maps of meshes. A large-scale bijective parametrization of a tetrahedral mesh to a ball.](html/projects/largescale/largescaleBD.jpg)
Large Scale Bounded Distortion Mappings
![Computing bijections between surface-meshes in a way which is agnostic to the cutting of the meshes. Two identical bijective maps between two surface-meshes produced for two different cut placements.](html/projects/seamless/david_max_small.png)
![Computing low-distortion bijections between surface-meshes by recovering ("lifting") these bijections from self-overlapping flattenings. A low distortion bijective map between two surface-meshes.](html/projects/lifted/lifted_bijection_small.png)
![Characterization of convex sets of matrices possessing bounded Singular Values, enabling optimization via Semidefinite Programming. The 'most conformal' mapping of a volumetric cube, subject to repositioning its eight corners.](html/projects/cont/cont_sing_small.png)
Controlling Singular Values with Semidefinite Programming
![An efficient method for projecting an input piecewise-linear map onto the bounded-distortion space. A bounded-distortion, globally bijective map, mapping a tetrahedral mesh to a polycube.](html/projects/bd3d/bd3d_small.png)
Injective and Bounded Distortion Mappings in 3D
![A course on practical aspects of map-computation. A deformation of a bar.](html/projects/IGS2016/teaser.jpg)
Computational Aspects of Mappings
Tutorial given at the IGS 2016 summer school (with Shahar Kovalsky)
Slides (pdf)
Slides (pdf)